Friday, 27 November 2009
Title options.

Friday, 20 November 2009
survey and results
1. How old are you?
- 13-17
- 18-25
- 26-30
- 31-39
- 40+
- Male
- female
- Hip-hop
- R&B
- Funky
- Rock
- Indie rock
- Pop
- Pop rock
- All of the above
- Yes
- No
- Sometimes
5. How many times do you buy magazine
- Everyday
- Every week
- Every month
- Every year
- A few times a year
- Never
6.What type genre magazines to do read?
- Celeb gossip
- Gig info
- New band info
- existing band info
- Politics
7. What genre magazines do you read?
- Hip hop
- Pop
- Rock
8. Would you prefer a magazine with one genre or a mixture of genes
- Yes
- No
Having now sent out the survey I collected a response from 10 people here are the result and my evaluation.
1. How old are you?
13-17 - 9
18-25 -1
Male - 3
female - 7
The majority of the people who took my survey were female and between 13-17, this with mean that the final results will be from the opinions of 13-17 year old females
3.What music do you listen to?
Hip-hop - 2
R&B - 3
Funky - 4
Rock - 3
Indie rock - 2
Pop - 2
Pop rock - 2
All of the above - 5
All of the above got the highest vote which shows that people listen to a mixture of genres however i cant include all these genres in a magazine because from my knowledge of music magazine, music magazine have a particular genre which they then work around so i have decided that i will use the next highest scoring answer which is Funky and i will muisc which are linked with it.
4. Do you buy music magazines?
Yes - 2
No - 0
Sometimes- 8
5. How many times do you buy magazine
Every week
Every month - 2
Every year -1
A few times a year- 6
Never - 1
This shows that not many young people buy music magazines regularly however music is a big part of young peoples life so they must be getting there music infomation else where maybe from the Internet from television.
6.What type genre magazines to do read?
Celeb gossip - 3
Gig info -2
New band info-2
existing band info-3
This show that young people are interested in tabloid magazines and information on existing artist but some were interested in gig info and new band, so i have decided to included all of these topics in my magazine as i think all these think are relevant for a music magazine however i won't include politic because i don't think that young people these days to mix politics and music.
7. What genre magazines do you read?
Hip hop -4
Pop -4
Rock -1
This shows that pop and hip-hop were most popular however i think this is the case in my survey because the people who done my survey like these genres but there is a hug range of rock magazine out there so i dont think there is a gap in the market for this kind of music
8. Would you prefer a magazine with one genre or a mixture of genes
Yes -5
No -5
There was an equal number in the people who wanted mixed genre and single genre which gives me the impression that people don't really mind weather the magazine has mixture of genre or not as long as they get there information.
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
music magazine outline
I Have decided to call my magazine Out loud, I think that Out loud is a good name for a music magazine because I think that people should celebrate what music they listen to and I don’t think music should be keep to one self but to be shared and played out loud hence the title music Out loud.
Genre of music?
I have chosen to use funky house, hip-hop, R&B and pop, because I know about this music and it will be easy for me to write about them also they were most popular in my survey. Also because these genre are linked and they influence each other.
Why have you chosen to do this?
I have chosen to do these genres because I know about this music and it will be easy for me to write about them also they were most popular in my survey. Also because these genre are linked and they influence each other.
Audience: My target audience is 13-17 year old because most o the people who done my survey were 13-17 year old and it is this people that like these genres and these genres is what they want in a magazine.
Institutions: If I were to publish my magazine I would use IPC because they have the budget to pay for printing and it will be good quality and professional. It will also be more mainstream
Design: For my music magazine I will do a simple font so it does draw attention from the images but for teasers and headline I would use a bright font to draw attention to it. This is the ‘look’ of the magazine will have an image on the front cover and the title in the corner and on the sides will be teasers my ideas for my front cover is to have an image if a band or an artist with instruments in the background with the title in the corner and teasers along the side of the page.
I will use a balance of slang terms and easy to read language so it is easy for all people from all area will e able to understand as slang terms vary from areas. However I won’t use slang too much as I would only be using the old word and will mainly be using easy to understand language so young people will not find it to formal.