Tuesday 1 December 2009

Double page spread ideas

For my double page spread i have decided to do Reviews, an interview or have a what hot whats not page. Having looked at examples of other music magazine i have seen that all these pages have been successful in a mangazine, here are the reasons why i would have chosen to do theeses topics or not.

Whats hot whats not - I think this a good idea for a a double page spread as muisc has a big influences on peoples fashion has you can kind of tell what kind of music some one listen to by what they wear, however as my magazine is one genre it will be quite difficult to have styles for all genres.

Reviews - Doing a review is a good idea as it tell the public your thought of an album which may helps people decide do buy an ablum or not.

Interview - I have decided to do an interview because it will be easy to write about an made up band than a made up album and i think it will be better that the front cover has a connetion with the double page spread.

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