Tuesday, 15 December 2009

What i have done so far.

Having now done all my research and survey, i have started to put together my music magazine i have decided on a name "outloud", a band, the genre of the band, and i have written the article and taken the pictures for my magazine.

I have used two friends to be the face of my funky/pop duo and we took pictures in the park to portray their glamorous yet casual life style, also thier look is not a london look it is more universal and will appel to fans across the country. here are some of the images i will use in my magazine.

To gives me ideas to how i should write my article i looked at other artcle written in music magazine. this has helped me as i have used the typical langugae used in a magazine but i have changed it a bit to suit my genre.
I have also followed the typical structure of an article, i have given some background knowledge on the band and images on one side and on the other side is the interview. i have also taken quotes from the article and made it big so if a reader were to flick trough this magazine the quotation my catch thier eye which will make them read the whole article.

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