Monday, 12 October 2009

Plummeting sales in magazine industry.

In recent years there has be a fall in the sales of magazine, some may blame the fall on the increase in internet users and the easy access to information on the internet. Magazine industries have started websites to give a more wide range of access to their information however due to this more people are using the websites instead of buying magazine which is what the industries want them to buy. Also more companies are withdrawing their ad campaigns from magazines and using it for internet advertising, which is reducing the profits music magazines are making and magazines are quite dependent on advertisement to make their profits.

Some may argue that the fall in magazine sales is due to the latest recession which many people have been affect by and I presume the magazine industries has been affected as magazines are considered by a luxuries and many people were losing their jobs and had to cut back on their luxuries therefore not buying as many magazines this may have caused a negative multiplier effect on the industry where people are not buying magazines.

Another factor which is decreasing magazine sales is that a lot of magazines are appealing to a certain genre particularly, woman as there are much more magazines are targeted at woman and girls than at young people and men. I think that magazines are targeting woman because woman are more loyal to a magazine whereas men and young people are not as loyal. As there is such a range of magazines marketing the same information woman can go for a different magazine instead of the same one.

1 comment:

  1. You have identified three interesting areas here about declining sales; do you think magazines are still a viable medium in the world of the internet, blogs and free online magazines?
