The image on the cover of the magazine is of a female music artist called "Lady Gaga" in the image she is surrounded by pink form and it appears that she is being covered by bubbles. This image is polysemic as the bubbles may suggest her new title of "Queen of pop" or it can just be showing off her wild fashion sense. The image slightly covers the title of the magazine which can emphasizes the sub title on the right and side of the magazine "the rise of Lady Gaga" The magazine also has teasers which many most magazine have to show what else consists in the magazine and the teasers also shows what kind of people read the magazine as people intrested in the teasers are likely to buy the magazine. This magazine is drawn to attract fans of Lady Gaga, who want to know more about her music and influences and what made her become what she is today.
The magazine is typically american, as even though this magazine is a music magazine it does include some aspects of politics seeing as some musicans included their views in ther music about the last presidental election and many people where intrested in their views and their invovlement also helped some people gain knowledge about the election and somes musicians used their music to show their support to the president they liked.
Inside the magazine there are various different artists from different genres, suggesting that the magazine is not for a particular type of audience but for people interested in music culture or people interested in all the different genres. The magazine doesn’t have much gossip, images and is very text based showing that the magazine is a more serious magazine and for people who like reading and are interested in musicians view. The magazine also has quite a lot of politics in it showing that music and politics are quite closely linked.
Very interesting Michelle. You use the language of semiotic analysis well and write clearly about the possible meanings of the image. You also effectively comment on the significance of the text anchoring meaning.